Heya lovely!
This is our first segment of DLATV – Ladies, Let’s Get Real (LLGR). And as the title suggests, we’re going to dive deep into the true rawness of who you are because that’s the place that’ll unlock an extraordinary life. I’ve spent countless years studying, reading, talking to other women, and exploring my own pitfalls, to truly understand what it takes to upgrade my life. But not from an ego perspective, but rather a heart/spiritual perspective. And I feel like I finally have my finger on the pulse to understand the crucial elements in our lives that govern whether we’re going to be completely and utterly happy and fulfilled, or remain trapped in a mundane and un-meaningful life.
And lucky for me, I have a co-host! I’m joined by a fellow ambassador for women’s empowerment, Samantha Ember. The way we found one another was by no accident. It was truly the universe’s way of paving a path for us to connect and share all that we know and believe. We literally knew each other for 2 months before venturing into hosting this segment together. I guess when you know it’s right, it is.
Samantha and I are driven by helping you, as a modern-day woman, navigate through the difficult parts of life so you can come out the other side as a better version of yourself.
In this episode (our very first!), you’ll get to know Samantha and I and what our intention is with this segment. Think of this episode as more of a ‘get to know us’ as your new BFFL (best friend for life). I invite you to grab a cuppa, sit back, and relax as we chat about what we’re all about and MOST importantly, what we’re here for (spoiler alert, we’re here for you!).
Oh but I have to apologise for the video quality; it’s not great! But being that it was our first episode, we’ve since learned what works (and what doesn’t). It’s our way of being raw and real without editing and perfecting – because as you know, life ain’t perfect!
Watch this episode and see how our intentions align with your own because we want you to feel like you’re not alone in life. We’re both fully aware of the struggles of life and how it’s an endless rollercoaster of joy and disappointment. But instead of feeling the highs and trying to avoid the lows, Samantha and I are going to help you enjoy it all (yes, it’s possible to see goodness in the bad).
Once you’ve watched this episode, we’d love to hear from you!
What do you want to see in this segment in LLGR?
What’s your biggest struggle right now in life and do you remain optimistic or are you having a difficult time believing that things will improve?
What do you see is the missing link in women connection – why do you think we’ve strayed away from supporting and loving one another?
Leave a comment below!
The more detail you share, the better it can help others who can relate to you (and no doubt will be relieved that they’re not the only ones feeling or experiencing a similar thing).
Important: We’d love to read about your thoughts and ideas but any links to other posts, websites, videos, etc, or promotional material will be removed (we want to stay away from spam…and we don’t mean the canned ham variety).
Thanks so much for watching and taking part in our community discussion! After all, LLGR is JUST for you!
If you know someone who could really do with a BFF (one that will never judge, ridicule, cheat, betray or leave), then please share this with them. DLATV as a whole is solely created to help you get to where you want to be, and LLGR is another aspect of that. We all want love and connection.
With endless love and gratitude for who you are,