Personal Energy Forecast
A Personal Energy Forecast reading is a great choice if you're wanting personal insight and clarity into the month ahead. Maybe your outlook toward the month isn't a positive one and so planning the future can feel overwhelming when you're unsure what the best path may be for you. You may have knowledge about what the month may bring but you might have a sense of trepidation surrounding the month and an unknowingness that you'll get through it or whether you'll be supported.
This reading, therefore, does not focus on whether you'll go on an Island Getaway or receive a brand new car, but instead, it focuses on your overall 'personal' theme of the month, what you'll accomplish, what you're ready to embrace, and possible obstacles that may arise - receiving a 'heads up' about the obstacle or challenge can help prepare you so that you can face it with confidence and assurance that you can handle it. The Personal Energy Forecast also looks atwhat to avoid and the best action to take to fulfill your monthly goals. This reading therefore speaks to the soul rather than to the ego.
Your monthly forecast reading will be broken into 5 different categories:
- Your personal theme of the month which is what you'll continually come back to as you navigate the weeks ahead,
- What you may accomplish or embrace during the month
- What obstacle or challenge you may face,
- Where you can find support or advice, and
- What action to take to or overall message to help you fulfill your monthly goals
This a reading for the Higher Self and will assist in your own mind, body, and spiritual development.